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Moodle 2.3.2

Unsupported Moodle Version
This version of Moodle is no longer supported and will not receive fixes for security risks.
You are encouraged to upgrade to a supported version of Moodle.

Release date: 10 September, 2012

Here is the full list of fixed issues in 2.3.2.


  • MDL-34543 - New assignment retains feedback when re-grading.
  • MDL-25492 - Blackboard V6+ question import is fixed.
  • MDL-34583 - Feedback is maintained during assignment upgrades.
  • MDL-34192 - Grading assignments with the new assignment module now works with Oracle.

Functional changes

  • MDL-25347 - Blog entry associations can now be controlled at fine-grained levels.
  • MDL-23219 - Role and permission checking in courses and activities has been enhanced and simplified.
  • MDL-34705 - When viewing a user's assigned roles, links are provided to the context of each role.
  • MDL-34727 - The Restore user interface now uses checkboxes for controlling the inclusion of user data.
  • MDL-34866 - The course layout can be set in course defaults.
  • MDL-32705 - The ability to check and uncheck all checkboxes in a group has now returned to backup, restore and import interfaces.
  • MDL-28346 - Moodle handles backups that were created when files were missing and warns users about such missing files.
  • MDL-6424 - A warning is given when deleting blocks.

Security issues

Fixes and improvements

  • MDL-32499 - Restoring a course with a rubric no longer results in an error.
  • MDL-34451 - Quiz functionality to return a user to their last question is now fixed.
  • MDL-34290 - Shortcuts/aliases to Dropbox files now synchronise.
  • MDL-35147 - Question import into Lesson has been fixed.
  • MDL-13629 - Gradebook behaviour to drop the lowest grade now works as expected.
  • MDL-29563 - Duplication links are now hidden for modules that do not support backup and restore.
  • MDL-33030 - The Lesson progress bar now grows and shrinks as students advance and return.
  • MDL-28531 MDL-29470 - Automated backups run on time.
